Climate Smart Agriculture Webinar – 6 April


A free webinar co-hosted by MPI and the California Department of Food and Agriculture, focusing on advancing agri-food for a sustainable farming future. It is being held on Thursday, 6 April, from 9am to 10.30am.


Some information about the webinar and speakers:

This webinar intends to disseminate information to horticultural growers in California and New Zealand on advances in Agri-Food-Tech and share the perspectives of growers in each country.



Importance of Agri-Food-Tech
Dennis Donahue, Western Growers
Peter Wren-Hilton, Wharf42

Perspectives from California & New Zealand
Ed Massey, New Zealand Winegrowers
Jim White, Cloudy Bay Vineyards - Grower Testimonial
Allison Jordan, California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance
California Wine Grower Testimonial

New Horizons
Julie Henderson, California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Livia Esterhazy, A Lighter Touch


Complimentary webinar - Zoom Link
Zoom Passcode: #AgTech23
Zoom Webinar ID: 853 6422 3336