Our social media campaign – end of season wrap up


During the peak of the season, Summerfruit NZ ran a consumer-focused educational campaign targeting domestic consumers of summerfruit on social media: ‘eat summer, make memories with summerfruit’.

The campaign targeted the socioeconomic consumer groups most likely to buy summerfruit if they had a little bit of prompting. While it was hard for growers to see the campaign – because growers were not being targeted – the campaign raised awareness and encouraged the purchase of summerfruit in supermarkets nationwide, at key times across the season.

With the campaign now wrapped up, you can still view the posts on Summerfruit NZ Instagram and Summerfruit NZ Facebook 

Later in the year, the Summerfruit NZ Board will decide whether to run a similar campaign in the 2024-25 season.  The team will provide an update about the campaign’s engagement and reach at the SummerGreen meetings in March and April.