Update from Kate

4a52efba e8ff d9ee e6be c1e9038d6375For most growers, particularly those in Central Otago, the 2023-2024 season has heralded a return to better times.  The weather – while not as hot as some predicted – has ensured the fruit looks good and is great tasting. Furthermore, volumes have been up, except in the Hawke’s Bay, where it will take another few seasons for our remaining growers to recover.

Industry-led labour attraction campaigns continue to bear fruit, particularly in Central Otago, with its unique backpacker tourist attractions. Our industry is also lucky that the harvest takes place when university students are looking for work, before they resume their studies.

While horticulture is seen as the darling of New Zealand’s primary sector, we are experiencing across the board challenges that limit our potential. For summerfruit, while predicted future weather patterns will be good for the industry, we will still need to contend with a greater number of adverse weather events. That is a sobering thought, just over a year on from Cyclone Gabrielle, when the new Government has committed many more millions to the Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti’s recovery.

Growers grow because they are passionate and proud of the healthy food that they produce. However, their businesses must make a profit. While there have been murmurs about the high price of summerfruit this season, grower costs continue to increase, and it is only the final 20 percent of the crop that provides the average grower with any profit.

I know many of you have questions about the future, and not just those of you in the Hawke’s Bay. While the season has been better, fruit has been smaller and for some varieties, volumes have been disappointing.

Summerfruit NZ’s objective is to increase grower viability. While it is good that most growers have had a better season, we know that the industry has a way to go before it is viable again for many growers. 

That is the message we are taking to the Beehive, as the new Government engages with the horticulture industry and plans out its next three years in office. 

To say the harvest period is busy for growers is an understatement. There are so many variables to think about and make decisions about. At harvest time, Summerfruit NZ lets you get on with what you need to do. We are always at the other end of the phone, though, and I know the team has fielded many calls from you over the past few months. It has been our pleasure to help out where we can.