Summerfruit NZ Conference

Jun. 7 — 8, 2023 | QT Queenstown & Rydges Queenstown

The Summerfruit NZ Board and team is excited to announce that registrations for the Summerfruit New Zealand Conference 2023 are now open.

Click below to register:

Summerfruit New Zealand Conference 2023

The conference will be held on 7 and 8 June in Queenstown.

This year’s theme, Expanding Horizons, focuses on looking outwards with the resumption of international travel and reopened borders.  In an ever-changing world we need to adapt, collaborate and innovate more than ever to reach the level of success we are aiming for.

The conference begins on the Wednesday with a Kick-the-Dirt visit to the Cromwell area to look at orchards and larger-scale exhibitors, and ends with networking drinks at Rydges Hotel where people can reconnect with each other and mingle with exhibitors.

With a full day’s conference is planned for the Thursday, with local and international speakers planned to present sessions on climate change solutions, international trade and trends. The evening conference dinner will celebrate those within the sector with an awards ceremony and Te Radar will be providing the entertainment.



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