Cherry crop estimate review

As you know Summerfruit NZ is working closely with the Government and other stakeholders to deal with the unprecedented challenges of the coming season. Following the crop estimate survey carried out in July we now need to update the cherry crop estimate to better inform policy and support for export airfreight.

Summerfruit NZ will be calling a number of growers later this week to guide that estimate, but we also will gratefully receive information directly from growers, particularly from respondents to July’s survey. This can be sent as current figures or as a percentage of your previous estimate.

We assure you that the information you provide will be treated in strict confidentiality.

If emailing directly, please send your current cherry crop estimation to Juan Rosales to by Tuesday, 20 October. Alternatively, you can call Juan on 022 513 1953 for a private discussion over the phone.

We would like to thank all our members who take the time to help by providing this crucial information.