Industry review update

Alasdair MacLeod updates us on the industry review 

I have now completed the vast majority of grower interviews – by the end of this week, I will have completed that phase of the review. I have been impressed by the openness of the participants, by the thoughtfulness of their responses, by their pride in their operations, and by the consistency of a number of key themes that have emerged.

For the final phase of the interviews, I will be interviewing selected participants from MBIE, MPI, two more 'product group' organisations, and possibly, a Regional Council. Once those interviews are complete, I will synthesise the data and produce a draft report for the Steering Group. Following discussion with the Steering Group, and fact checking any issues that may emerge, I will issue a final report for the Board.

I’d like to thank all those people who have taken the time to participate in the review.