MSD looking to place jobseekers in Alexandra

Chelsea Wong from the Ministry of Social Development advises that their Alexandra-based work broker is recruiting work-ready jobseekers up until 2 October, to help fill some of the gaps in the seasonal workforce.

If your business has jobs available now or in the near future, please contact Chelsea so she can get some placements started. She says they are prioritising those roles that are coming up sooner rather than later.

Details required are:

  • name of employer
  • role(s) available
  • number of positions
  • start date (and estimated end date)
  • any prerequisites for roles.

If you do not have all of the details right now, Chelsea says that's okay as she is happy to follow up with a phone call or email to the suggested business. All leads are welcome, and please share this news with other orchards and packhouses.

The Ministry of Social Development has funding available to help with some of these placements of their clients, so Chelsea would love the opportunity to discuss this further. Contact Chelsea by email to