Judicial review into MPI directive
Summerfruit NZ is looking closely at Justice Cooke's judgment from the judicial review into the MPI directive regarding plant material, released on 23 August.
Update on Iprodione (Rovral) withdrawal
Last year a European Union decision was taken to withdraw authorisation for plant protection products containing Iprodione as an active ingredient.
Summerfruit NZ Board Director honoured
Congratulations to Earnscy Weaver who has been made a Life Member of Horticulture New Zealand. The award was made at the conference gala dinner held in Christchurch during the Hort...
Congratulations to our Mack Nicol winner
Plant & Food Research's Claire Scofield has won the 2018 Mack Nicol Award for Commitment to Excellence.
Resistance testing of brown rot chemistry
Following conference there has been a renewed interest in testing brown rot infected fruit and wood.
The frightening reality of BMSB
If you haven't given much thought to what an invasion of the brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB) might mean to New Zealand, Kathryn Schulz's article in the New Yorker magazine will...
Introduction of Samurai wasps supported by NZIER
An NZIER report has made a case for introducing Samurai wasps to deal with brown marmorated stink bugs (BMSB), should they become established in New Zealand.
Calling old tape
If you have any Japan or Korean OAP sealing tape that is over two years old, please return it to the IVA for destruction.
Fruit Fly Official Assurance Programme review
The Ministry for Primary Industries is planning to update and re-release the Fruit Fly Official Assurance Programme (OAP) in February-March 2018.
Summerfruit NZ joins GIA
We're very pleased to announce that Summerfruit NZ has signed the Government Industry Agreement for Biosecurity Readiness and Response (GIA) Deed, and joined 16 other industry sectors that have agreed...