Kate's update

The regular work that the Summerfruit NZ team carries out on behalf of our members is varied and often goes under the radar, particularly while growers are hard at work during the harvest season.

For example, over the past two weeks, there has been a big focus on biosecurity issues. We’ve attended meetings on the Fruit Fly Operational Agreement re-negotiation, development of a Xylella action plan, a review of the Government Industry Agreement Deed, and a desk-top readiness exercise for Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. 

We’ve also continued our ongoing focus on labour. These efforts relate to the seasonal workforce via the Handpicked Crew campaign, as well as attending meetings with the Industry CE Group and sending joint advice to Ministers seeking a further increase in the Recognised Seasonal Employment (RSE) scheme cap.  We’ve visited growers, including the Bairds in Mangaweka who are still harvesting their crop. 

On research and development, we’ve met with Plant & Food Research to discuss a near-to-final version of the Master Licence for new apricot varieties, which we will soon be able to discuss with Nzseries growers.  We’ve continued our focus on refreshing the Summerfruit NZ R&D strategy, which we’re keen to hear growers’ views on (see link below). 

We’ve attended regular liaison meetings with other product groups, MPI and MBIE. In these meetings, issues such as upcoming changes to the Incorporated Societies Act are discussed, as well as emerging issues such as changes to the Covid traffic light system. 

We continue to promote some of these activities on our Facebook and Instagram pages for Summerfruit NZ and Handpicked Crew – I encourage you to check those pages and welcome your feedback. But rest assured – the Summerfruit NZ team is 100% committed to summerfruit growers and ensuring our vibrant summerfruit industry is profitable and sustainable. We are only a phone call or email away should you want to talk.